Dress Code
A reasonable dress code supports the goal of self-esteem, neatness and good grooming. Evidence is available which shows that young people are apt to succeed more when their self-esteem is uplifted by a good personal appearance.
There are also other practical considerations. Students behave better, are spared unnecessary peer competition in dress, and are saved from the indecision of wondering what to wear each day when there is a fair dress code in effect.
The school has attempted to provide a dress code that is both flexible and suitable to our purposes. Parents are expected to assist the school in encouraging their son/daughter to abide by the dress code.
The dress code for Kindergarten through sixth grade students at St. Agnes School is as follows:
All Students
- The school uniform must be purchased through FLYNN & O’HARA
- All girls are required to have a least one plaid jumper or skirt. The red St. Agnes sweater or sweater vest is optional.
- All boys are required to have one red tie to be worn on dress up days. The red St. Agnes sweater or sweater vest is optional.
- All shirts and blouses must have short or long sleeves and must be completely tucked in.
- No article of clothing should have a logo, except the school logo.
- All students must come to school in dress code and leave in dress code. Do not bring a change of clothes for before and after school unless permission is granted for a special circumstance
- A note must be sent with the student if there is an emergency situation that arises which causes them to be out of dress code. A note after the fact is too late
Boys & Girls
- Must be neatly groomed
- No hair cuts such as sculpted cuts or hair length beyond the shirt collar
- Dyes other than natural colors are unacceptable
- Hats, scarves, or headdress of any kind are unacceptable

- Watches and small religious medals may be worn
- One pair of earrings – may not protrude beyond earlobe
- No dangling earrings or hoops
- One religious pin or medal may be worn
- Watches may be worn
- Any other articles of jewelry are not allowed
- Makeup and nail polish are not allowed

Boys & Girls
- Plain, solid white button-down oxford
- Plain, solid white polo shirt with a collar and at least two buttons
- Plain, solid white turtleneck – boys must also wear sweater or vest
Sweaters & Sweater Vests

Boys & Girls
- It is optional for you to wear a red St. Agnes sweater or sweater vest
- No oversized or undersized sweater or vest
- A plain red sweater or sweatshirt, or one with the “St. Agnes School” logo, may be worn during cold weather
Jumpers & Skirts

- K-3 plaid split jumper; 4-6 plaid skirt
- Knee length
- Purchased through the uniform company

Boys & Girls
- Full length navy blue or khaki classic cotton twill dress slacks
- No external pocket flaps or zippers
- Grades 5 – 6: solid black or brown belt must be worn with belt loops
Shorts & Skorts

- Navy blue or khaki, knee-length dress shorts – may be worn during August, September, May, and June only
- Navy blue or khaki, knee-length dress shorts – may be worn during August, September, May, and June only
- Navy blue or khaki, knee-length dress skorts – may be worn during August, September, May, and June only
Shoes & Socks

- Black, low-cut sneakers that have tie or velcro closure, or black or brown soft-soled dress shoes
- High-top or mid-cut shoes, sandals, canvas shoes, boots of any style are unacceptable
- Heels may be no more than one inch
- Ankle length socks – dark colors or white; low-cut sports socks are unacceptable
- White, low-cut sneakers that tie or have velcro closure, penny loafers, or black or brown soft-sole dress shoe are acceptable
- High heels, platforms, high-top or mid-cut shoes, jellies, or other plastic shoes, sandals, or boots of any style are unacceptable
- Ballet flats and glittery shoes are unacceptable
- Heels may be no more than one inch
- Open-toe or open-heeled foot wear is unacceptable
- Ankle or knee-high red or white socks must be worn, or tights; low-cut sports socks are unacceptable
Physical Education Attire

Boys & Girls
- Girls and boys are to wear shorts, T-shirts and sneakers
- NO PJ Bottoms or tank tops